Watch that is my artifact

 My artifact is my watch. I have wearing the watch . It can give a lot of what what time it is now, and give a courage.  The colar is black, and the shapes is circular and angular. Of corce, it can tell the accurate time.



When I was 12, I went to the shopping senter. Then, My father said. 

"I want to buy the watch becouse you need worthly one if you can use in the society. "

"Really! Thank you my father! I take good care of this one! "

This watch is this one. After that, was taking good care of this one.


Also, It can help to me well. For example, I can follow the rules to be telled the time,  it can give me a peace of mind to know the time, and so on. So, I can live a good days by this watch.


We have to keep the time.  Also, Japanese was known that it is important to be punctual.  We have to keep a promise. If you fail to keep your promise you will risk losing credibility, and  so on. So, Time is very impotant to live in this society because we can think what I have to do to check it. So, watch being able to check it  is important.  So, watch is very usefull to keep the time.

And, watch is looked by other people. So, it is a point to think people to wear it. So the watch have importance to live society. 


  1. Hello, Riku. I understood your artifact. Your watch is so cool. I think watches are cool not only for checking the time, but also for fashion. So I can sympathize with you.



